Wednesday 2 January 2019

Keep on Reading

As I read God's Word this morning there was so much that spoke to my heart, too much to put into words really.
This, I've been pondering on though ....
Many of us have daily Bible reading charts, apps & etc., I do as well. The one thing I've found though is that I don't always feel "fed" after a few chapters. You know, the usually 3-4 chapters a day to read it through in a year? I don't always get something out of those few chapters. Sometimes, I have to keep reading and reading some more for God to REALLY speak to my heart.
Now, before anyone wants to persecute me .... I'm not saying that you have to read 15, 20, 25 chapters a day to be spiritual or to get something from the Lord ... not at all.
But, what I AM saying is that I have found that I don't like to quit until God has spoken to ME! Most days, 3-4 chapters just aren't going to work.
I just want to challenge you not to stop, don't quit reading until the Holy Spirit has given you something, has done something in your soul through His Word. Some days, it may only take a few versus BUT others it may take chapter after chapter of just immersing yourself into the Scriptures. Don't stop until you feel "fed"! It is so worth it AND filling ... there is no better substance!!!

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."  Psalm 1:2 {KJV}